Do you search for hashtags on social media? I do it all the time. It is the fastest way to find what you are looking for. Whether it’s #foodie, #contentwriter or #MiloVentimiglia (yup, I’m a fan!), you’re guaranteed to find relevant posts.
If you and I are doing it, then your customers are doing it too!
While using hashtags can certainly get you more customers, using them correctly is crucial.
Here are 4 ways hashtags can help get you more customers
1. Actually use them
Leaving hashtags out is a definite way to not be seen by a new audience. Including hashtags can be overwhelming, so start with 5, keep an eye on your insights and watch your reach increase.
2. Do some research first
After you’ve made the decision to actually use hashtags, be smart about your choices. Throwing in your favourite hashtag feels great, but is that really what potential customers are searching for? Research what industry leaders are using and make a list that applies to your business.
3. Test which hashtags do and do not work
If one set of hashtags aren’t bringing in your ideal customers, then try another set. Track your results and alternate as and when you need to.
4. Watch your spelling
Instagram isn’t Google, it won’t guess what you mean. A spelling mistake = a wasted hashtag so be sure to double-check before pressing post.
And that’s it!
Now that you know more about what to do, it’s time to log in and start implementing.