The fastest way to go on a holiday, is to be able to afford it. The last thing you want is to max out your credit card and then have to worry about it all once you return from the trip of your dreams. That’s no way to travel. Trust me, saving isn’t always easy. Having money in your account and not spending it will really test your willpower, especially when those jeans you really want is on sale. To make it easier on your bank account and your sanity, I’ve put together a list of the most unconventional ways to save money for your next holiday – and they’re easier than depriving yourself, especially with the last tip!
Listen to music while you shower
Besides it turning a shower into a concert, music is also a great way to keep track of how long you have the water running. Start a song as soon as you get in and when the song comes to an end, so should your shower. Shorter showers = lower bills at the end of the month!
Stop making salon bookings
Yes, I know, nothing beats a professional head scratch and someone looking after your hair, but all those salon visits can add up to a pretty penny. I’ll be the first to admit that maintaining your own hair can be challenging, between work, gym and relationships, who really has time to sit up at night deep conditioning their tresses? But, would you rather have professionally maintained hair or that international trip you’ve been dreaming about?
Do the math: calculate how much you spend each month at the salon and multiply it by 6. The answer you get is how much you could save.
Extra tip: if you can’t go cold turkey, find a salon that’s cheaper and make fewer appointments, you’ll still be able to save big time.
Cut back on your subscriptions
Netflix? DSTV? Showmax? COSMO magazine? Do you really need it all? The answer is no. Stop all magazine subscriptions and subscribe to their online newsletter instead, this way you’ll get everything straight to your inbox and you won’t have to spend a cent. You won’t have access to all the content in the magazine, but something is better than nothing. As for all your favourite shows, pick one viewing platform and stick with that!
Do the math: pick a subscription you’d like to cancel and multiply it by 6. The answer you get is how much you’ll have in 6 months time. Chances are it can be deposit for a holiday.
Rediscover your love for the library
We all love free resources, but we often forget about the oldest form it: libraries. Want to try a new hobby? Why pay for a class when you can get a free book! Make this one extra exciting by going to different libraries throughout your city and experience the unique architecture and books that they all have.
Say goodbye to the ATM
Did you know that most banks charge you for using an ATM? And there’s also a cap on the amount of cash you can withdraw each month, go over your cap and you’ll be charged for this too. But this is actually great, now you can swipe more!
Extra tip: Check with your bank to find out if they have a loyalty programme where they reward customers for swiping a particular amount each month. Hello points!
Happy hour or stay at home
Yup, become the happy hour person! When your friends plan a get-together, offer to help pick a place! Find spots with great happy hour specials and start your night out at 6pm to really make the most of it. You won’t have to waste time waiting for 10pm and you’ll have an earlier evening which means your hangover won’t be as bad the next day. Win and win!
When you first start saving it could be tough, but once you see your savings amount grow and grow, it becomes addictive. Comment and let me know which tips you’ll be trying, I’d love to know if these work as well for you as they do for me.
Banks are the biggest scam hey and those salon visits ooh boy.
I learned the hard way how to make banks work for me, but I’m so happy I did. As for those salon visits, oooooh, those were the hardest to give up and now I can’t see how I spent money on it.
I’ve been saving since last year August to go to Johannesburg to see Ed Sheeran. It is so surprisingly how all these little things add up. I cut down on a few subscriptions and now I am over budget for what I saved (YAY SHOPPING HERE I COME!!!)
Yay! I love it when that happens. Imagine if you did that every year, you could keep the vacation vibes going.