
The Day Job vs The Dream Job


“It doesn’t matter what you find, as long as you have a job and you’re earning money it’ll be okay”, some people said to me.

Others dropped comments like, “So you finished your post-graduate degree and you can’t find a job”, don’t worry, I punched them in the face. Mentally. Mentally I punched them in the face.

But the only comment that mattered was the opinion expressed by my mother.

“If it’s not meant to be they won’t hire you. The right job will come at the right time. You will find something”, my mother preached to me daily. I understood what she was saying but it was hard to rationalize. I spent four years in a ruthless education system. With late nights and early mornings and daily near-mental break downs. It was fast paced and stretched all my creative muscles. Academically and creatively I was pushed to limits I didn’t know I had. And now, I was asked to sit back, relax and catch up on series? That 180 degree shift was hard.

There are those who chase money, and there are those who chase dreams

I found myself inquiring about jobs that was never in my prospective job bracket.

“So what are you doing now that you’re done with varsity”, was the one question I hated but the very thing I was constantly being asked. Any job title would have been better than answering ‘unemployed’. That one word was chipping at my self-esteem.
I turned to blogging so that I could vent about the ridiculous process of interviews and I quickly learned that the stage of ‘unemployed’ is standard, and that being unemployed is actually part of the process of finding a job.

I never applied for those positions I didn’t want. I stuck it out and kept applying for jobs that I knew I could do and that I was qualified for. It meant that I was broke, ‘unemployed’, picking up more shifts at the student job I used to have and taking a knock to my self-esteem. But I didn’t give up.

And guess what? I’m officially employed! And in social media! Perfect right?

My point?

There are those who chase money, and there are those who chase dreams.

When someone asks you what you do for a living, you should be proud of the answer you give. It should never be followed up with, “but I’m only doing it until I find something better”.

Don’t chase the day job, chase the dream!



  1. Girl, I have been applying for in-service training since last year and I’ve got nothing. No one is replying to their emails. It’s so frustrating. I got a taste of how it is to be unemployed. Not cool. Congratulations on getting the dream job. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much! No one replies to emails, it’s so wack. I’d say that 80% of the job applications I sent out never received a reply. Think of it this way, that email is the highlight of your day but it’s something relatively unimportant to the person who needs to respond to you. It’s vicious. Also, you’ll find something, when the time is right you will! And when it happens, don’t forget to let me know so that we can have a virtual party!

  2. My mother gave me the same advice! And look, it all worked out!

    This article is REAL. When people asked the “what are you doing now?” after getting two degrees (cry) I’d answer “It’s a surprise!” or “I’m a trophy wife!”. But really it’s kak and embarrassing. I used to ask people this question too. Now my favourite question is: what are you excited for next in your life?

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